David Hatch
Information security is crucial to success, and David is using his UMass Amherst education to bring advanced technology to businesses around the world.
So a few months back we renovated our office space. And when you do that, you get to rename your conference rooms. You have the opportunity to do so. So we ran a contest. And we decided a Star Wars theme would be cool for the conference rooms, because we're all kind of techie geeks here. And so you can see this is the Yoda conference room, or conference room Yoda this is. My name is David Hatch. And I graduated from UMass in 1988. I majored in communication with a concentration in mass media. One of the best parts about my education at UMass was the ability to take classes outside of your concentration. One of my favorites was a class called Persuasion Theory, which was actually about using communication skills to convince other people about your view on things. When we interview people for jobs, this is the interview room. And of course, we always have to ask every candidate, are you ready to join the dark side? One of the concepts within persuasion theory is to use an emotional argument. So when you look at an audience for your message, you want to first pull on the emotional strings to start to persuade them in a direction. Another one is the logical argument. So if a, then b. Therefore if a, then c. And so forth. It's an educational pathway through understanding what are the different ways to use persuasion, and then how to apply them in different situations. You know it's funny. My UMass education means more and more to me as more time goes by and I've progressed at my career. In B2B technology and research, what I've had to do is have a strong command of the written language, and be able to explain complex theories and scenarios to my readers. And then I have to go out to industry events, and I have to be able to speak about it. And I fall back a lot on just the basic learning skills and the way to think that I learned at UMass. My name is David Hatch. I stand for the Internet of Everything. And I stand for UMass.